Grade 6 and Grade 7 Drama Presentations from the
TCIS Middle School
Fall Creative Arts Show
October 21, 2010
Grade 6 MYP Drama:
The Fisherman and His Wife and The Ring of Truth
The 6th grade drama majors studied rituals and storytelling as parts of the dramatic tradition across cultures. Their first performance was The Fisherman and His Wife, a folktale from northern Europe. This tale was recorded by the Brothers Grimm in the 1800’s. Casper VanDenBroek played the fisherman, Rakia Segev was in the role of his greedy wife, and Kallie Miller played a magical fish, the queen of the sea. Hana Yoo, Elal Segev, Haley Kweicen, Sophia Kim, and Jason Park played servants and others, while Chris Jang was the Narrator.
The second 6th grade performance was the West African folktale The Ring of Truth. The story takes place in the village of Odumasse where a pair of wandering Griots, wise storytellers who carry with them the oral traditions of the tribes, are about to arrive. Everyone in the class played several roles!
Grade 7 MYP Drama: Antigone
The 7th grade drama majors performed an abridged adaptation of the Greek tragedy Antigone by the playwright Sophocles. Their class had studied drama history beginning with the ancient Greeks, the first culture to formalize theatre in a form that we would recognize today. Antigone was first performed as the last of a trilogy of plays nearly 3000 years ago in the city of Athens.
Before the action begins Oedepus, the king of the city of Thebes has died, the victim of a fate he could not escape. His sons, Eotocles, played by Hyunoo Park and Polyneices, played by Gil Jang were to rule as kings in turns, but after Eotocles had ruled for a year he refused to give up his throne to his younger brother. An enraged Polyneices raised an army and marched against Eotocles’ Theban troops, beginning a bitter civil war. As the curtain opens the brothers find themselves in mortal combat and each is struck down by the other’s sword.
Now their uncle Creon, played by Anthony Yoo makes himself king. He declares Polyneices a rebel and an outlaw and refuses to allow him a proper burial. To the ancient Greeks a proper burial was very important. Not to have one was to be doomed to walk the earth without rest for eternity. The daughters of Oedepus, Antigone, played by Soo A Baik, and Ismene, played by Soo Yeon Oh, must make a difficult choice: to obey their uncle, the new king, or bury their brother’s body as family duty would demand, and face death under the law.
Ethan McAllister played the king’s sentry and guard, Juliet Ememanka was the old prophetess Tieresia, and Hannah Wegren and Cindy Choi, were elders of the city of Thebes. Hyunoo also played an elder and Gil also played Haemon, Creon’s son and Antigone’s fiance.