Monologue Resources (Majors)

Assignment: Select a monologue to perform in front of a small group and then for the class.  Your monologue should be 2-4 minutes in length and it should be something you can understand and relate to.  I have provided these links as a means of helping you find a monologue.  There are great monologues to choose from here, but not all of the monologues on these pages will be suitable for this assignment.  Use your discernment regarding the content of the material.  Swearing and/or sexually explicit material is not ok, nor is material that glamorizes the use of drugs or alcohol.  

Bible Character Monologues

His Company Christian Drama Monologues

These Aren't My Shoes

Dramatix (A great Christian drama database.  Follow the directions to search for “Monologue”)

Kids Monologues for Actors

Monologue Archive

Colin’s Movie Monologues

Theatre History Monologues

YouthPlays Monologues


Film Basics (Majors) 

Click here for Power Point


Storytelling Project 1 (Majors)

1. Find a folktale from some culture.

2. Create an outline of the story.

3. Add in your own details as you begin to memorize your story so that you make it your own.  You may not change the basic plot or "moral" of the tale but you may "modernize" it, set it in a different place, change character names or perhaps gender, etc.

4. You may write as much as you want but when you tell your story you will not be able to have a "script" in front of you, so keep it simple enough to is easier to simply know the outline and the general direction you want it to take than to memorize a "script".

5. Keep it to 2-7 minutes.

Storytelling Project 2

(Wisdom Tales Summative Assessment)

Step 1: Choose a familiar proverb to develop a story around 

  • One finger cannot lift a pebble. (Iranian)
  • When elephants battle, the ants perish. (Cambodian
  • If you chase two hares, you will not catch either. (Russian)
  • The pot calls the kettle black. (United States)The sieve says to the needle: You have a hole in your tail. (Pakistan)
  • It is better to turn back than to get lost. (Russian)
  • Handsome words don't butter cabbage. (German)
  • Talk does not cook rice. (Chinese)
  • After the rain, there is no need for an umbrella. (Bulgaria)
  • When the kettle boils over, it overflows its own sides. (Yiddish)
  • You can't chew with somebody else's teeth. (Yiddish)
  • Mistrust is an axe at the tree of love. (Russian)
  • If a farmer becomes a King, he will still carry a basket on his back. (Hebrew)
  • Not all that is black is charcoal. (Philippine)
  • Little brooks make great rivers. (French)
  • Every kind of animal can be tamed, but not the tongue of man. (Philippine)
  • Do not look for apples under a poplar tree. (Slovakian)
  • Every ass loves to hear himself bray. (English)
  • He that goes barefoot must not plant thorns. (English)
  • Better to be a free bird than a captive King. (Danish)
  • A blow passes on, a spoken word lingers. (Yiddish)
  • You can't spit on my back and make me think it's rain. (Yiddish)
  • A book gives knowledge, but it is life that gives understanding. (Hebrew)
  • A crooked branch has a crooked shadow. (Japanese)
  • Better bread with water than cake with trouble. (Russian)
  • The heaviest burden is an empty pocket. (Yiddish)
  • A candle lights others but consumes itself. (English)
  • It takes a village to raise a child. (Africa)
  • It is one thing to cackle and another to lay an egg. (Ecuador)
  • One dog barks because it sees something; a hundred dogs bark because they heard the first dog bark. (Chinese)
  • To hide one lie, a thousand lies are needed. (India)
  • A needle wrapped in a rag will be found in the end. (Vietnamese)
  • Do not seek to escape from the flood by clinging to a tiger's tail. (Chinese)
  • Step by step one ascends the staircase. (Turkey)
  • Little by little the cotton thread becomes a loincloth. (Africa-Dahomey)
  • Anger is a bad adviser. (Hungary)
  • Eggs must not quarrel with stones. (Jamaican)
  • Eyes can see everything except themselves. (Serbo-Croatian)
  • Haste makes waste. (English)
  • Every hill has its valley. (Italian)
Step 2:  Use the following to help you "assemble" your story.

Introduce Character(s)
Choose one or more characters.
    girl      boy      animal     man      woman
    idea     spirit   machine   thing    plant, etc.


     farm     village    city      mountains    otherworldly
     forest   arctic     ocean   desert

     olden     modern     future

In trouble:

     Caught stealing                    Told a lie
     Saw or heard a secret           Lost something
     Been captured                     Under a spell or curse
     Goes to forbidden place        Finds forbidden object
     Has enemy                           Is undervalued
     Is unrecognized                    Causes jealousy
     Forgets something                Broke something
     Does not like something       Needs something
     Needs to escape or hide       Needs to rescue someone
     Needs to rescue something   Needs to prove worth

Inner Traits
Inner Traits That Cause Original Trouble:

     Is greedy                              Dangerously curious
     Doesn't follow advice            Is lazy
     Is pessimistic                        Is blindly in love
     Is enraged & seeks revenge   Is naive & trusting
     Is clumsy                              Is untrained
     Lacks confidence                  Is foolish

Inner Traits That Aid Solution:
     Is courageous                       Is resourceful
     Is imaginative                      Is kind
     Is generous                          Is clever
     Is loyal                                Is strong
     Is optimistic

     Has helper (Magical or Non-magical)
     Journey undertaken to obtain solution
     Is rescued                            Is transformed
     Helps self:
          Exercises cleverness
          Uses inner traits
          Discovers a skill

     Returns to original setting new in some way:
          Is rewarded              Is wiser
          Is transformed          Comes with gift or treasure

     Lives well                      Passes luck or reward on to others
     Offers wisdom               Has positive impact on the world


Dramaturgy Work  (Quarter 3)



Part 1- Finish watching "Fiddler on the Roof" 
The film has been uploaded onto You Tube and can be accessed through a link here.  

When you are finished answer the related questions on the Dramaturgy Worksheet.

Part 2 - A Biography of Shalom Aleichem:
Read the following. 

"Shalom Aleichem" by The Institute for the Translation of Hebrew Literature

When you are finished answer the related questions on the Dramaturgy Worksheet. 


Part 3 - Life in the Shtetl:
Read the following.

"The Shtetl" by Temple Emanu-El of San Jose
Map of the Pale of Settlement and Other Images

When you are finished answer the related questions on the Dramaturgy Worksheet. 

Part 4 - Personal Stories:

Choose one of Ms. Helberg's stories from her index, Mr. Kornblau's memoir, or the excerpt from Ms. Antin. 

"Life in the Shtetl - Earlient Years" by Joseph Kornblau
"The Promised Land" by Mary Antin

When you are finished answer the related questions on the Dramaturgy Worksheet


Practice Performing Folktales as Reader's Theatre
Choose two or three Asian or Native American folktales from these links that others have converted into "reader's theatre" scripts to practice in class.
Aaron Shepard's Folktale Scripts

Whootie Owl Folktale Scripts

MYP Criteria D-Personal Engagement

Native American (Indian) Folktales
Choose two or three folktale from these links that you think might make good reader's theatre.  You will work to develop a script as a class.
Native American Lore

First People - The Legends

Your performance and discussion to follow will be evaluated using MYP Criteria B-Application, MYP Criteria C-Reflection, and this rubric: 

Reader's Theatre Presentation Rubric.pdf

Map of native tribes

Section 3 Dramaturgy: Arthur Miller

Introduction and formative assignment: Read one of the following, make an outline of it and summarize it for the class in a round-table discussion during the next class period.

Biography: The American Dream

Lecture: On Politics and the Art of Acting

Interview: March 2001 Issue of Humanities Magazine

The Poet: Chronicler of the Age

The Playwright: Living in the Present Tense

Excerpt of "The Crucible" and "All My Sons"

Excerpt of "Death of a Salesman" and "A View from the Bridge"

PBS American Masters: None without sin

Death of a Salesman

Step One: Read and outline in written form one of the articles in document 3 or 4. Note that these documents contain more than one article.  You only need to summarize one article.  Your outline should include at least three main points (Roman Numerals) and each should have at least two subpoints (Capital Letters).  

Step Two: Your Assessment (document 5 below) should be done while watching the video or afterwards.


Death of a Salesman (1951 Motion Picture) - A Youtube Playlist.  Not the same as the 1985 version we are watching in class but also based on Miller's original stage script.

The Crucible

Read about the characters in Arthur Miller's Crucible and select two that you would be interested in portraying on stage.

Salem Witch Trials 2/5

Salem Witch Trials 3/5

Salem Witch Trials 4/5

Salem Witch Trials 5/5

Musical Theatre UNIT

Assessment Task 1: Musical Theatre and History Project

Assessment Task 2: Musical Theatre Choreography Proj.

Resource: Critical Look at Dance in Musical Theatre Handout

One Day More Flashmob (Poland)

Musical Theatre Final Summative Project

For your Knowledge (Criteria A) grade.

Steps in the Process:

1) Read the Les Miserables Study Guide Part 1 (Below). Pay special attention to those sections titled "About the Show", "Cast of Characters", and "Synopsis".  You may find the rest of the study guide helpful on your final exam or for part 3.

2) Watch the Les Miserables 25th Anniversary concert performance (Above).  Keep in mind that as a "concert" performance much of the acting and staging has been left to the imagination, the performance instead focusses on the music and lyrics.

3) Look through the Les Miserables Study Guide Part 2 (Below).  Choose one question from each page to write an essay response on.  (Share as Les Miserables.Your Name.Drama) For those questions that are country specific (such as the question "Do you believe we have an effective system of justice in England?" on page 4) Substitute your own country of citizenship (ie. The Republic of Korea, The United States, Canada, etc.)

25th Ann Concert:

GSA Video (12 Minutes)

Wicked: The Road to Broadway Part 1

Wicked: The Road to Broadway Part 2

Into the Woods (Possible 2013 GSIS Musical)

Oaklahoma (Possible 2013 GSIS Musical)

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